Books | Gideon Shelach Lavi



Shelach, G. 2015. The Archaeology of Ancient China: From Prehistory to the Han Dynasty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Pines, Y. and Shelach, G . 2012. Kol Asher mi-takhat le-shamaim: Sin Ha-Keisarit (All under Heaven: Imperial China [in Hebrew]), (Yitzhak Shichor chief editor). Volmue 2: Ha-Keisarut Hamukdement (the Early Imperial Period), Tel-Aviv: The Open University Press. 429pp.

Shelach, G. 2012. Zhongguo Beibu Bianjiang Diqu de Shiqian Shehui (中国北部边疆地区的是前社会). Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe (China Social Sciences Press). 220pp.

Shelach, G. and Y. Pines . 2009. Kol Asher mi-takhat le-shamaim: Sin Ha-Keisarit (All under Heaven: Imperial China [in Hebrew]), (Yitzhak Shichor chief editor). Volume 1: Mekorot Ha-Keisarut Ha-Sinit (Origins of the Chinese Empire), Tel-Aviv: The Open University Press. 347pp.

Shelach, G. 2009. Prehistoric Societies on the Northern Frontiers of China: Archaeological Perspectives on Identity Formation and Economic Change during the First Millennium BCE. London, Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology Series, Equinox. 203pp.         

Shelach, G. 1999. Leadership Strategies, Economic Activity, and Interregional Interaction: Social Complexity in Northeast China. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press. 280pp.


Kowner, R., G. Bar-Oz, M. Biran, M. Shahar, G. Shelach-Lavi (Eds.) 2019. Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical, Cultural and Ethical Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yuri Pines , Lothar von Falkenhausen , Gideon Shelach and Robin D.S.Yates , eds., 2013. The Birth of Empire: The State of Qin revisited. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Project, eds., 2011. Settlement Patterns in the Chifeng Region. Pittsburgh: Center for Comparative Archaeology, University of Pittsburgh (The final report of the Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Project of which I am one of the PIs.).

The Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Project ed. 2003. Regional Archaeology in Eastern Inner Mongolia: A Methodological Exploration, Beijing: Kexue chubanshe. (Also published in Chinese).